There are more and more people these days dabbling with online trading as a result of greater access to online trading platforms . This can often be as a sideline to the day job or as a new way of seeking to earn a living. Indeed, there are increasingly more and more people trading financial […]
If you are with someone that is prone to having a panic attack the important thing to try to do is to be with them and offer a calming presence. Read more about what happens to a person when they have a panic attack as well as the differences between Panic Disorder and Generalised Anxiety
Revenge porn is increasingly becoming a serious issue given the phenomenon of sexting and the greater use of smartphone apps and social media. Read my article on what you can do if you have become a victim of revenge porn. The article contains information on how to regulate your emotional response and what you can do to
Recent research findings by the U.S. National Eye Institute (NEI) appear to show that a diet rich in Omega-3 fatty acid supplements, or indeed any other nutritional supplements, are of little benefit when trying to slow natural mental decline. However, it is worth noting that the study used less than a third of the amount of
This is the link to my recent interview with Dwight Turner, psychotherapist based in Paddington, West London. In the interview Dwight chats about his personal background, his take on integrative counselling & psychotherapy and his article on the absent father that hinders the growth of black men in the new millennium.
Do you suffer from anxiety, feeling overwhelmed or ill at ease? Read my article on useful exercises for the management of anxiety which will help you to feel better and increase your energy flows. There are many benefits to improving your self-discipline such as greater energy levels and personal productivity. You will also have more personal
This is a link to my interview with Brant Cortright PH.D, clinical psychologist and professor of Psychology at California Institute of Integral Studies and author of The Neurogenesis Diet & Lifestyle. In the interview we discuss neuroscience, transpersonal psychotherapy and how to live more healthily and for longer. See also Meditative practice can help the physical
It is that time of year again when we are confronted, more than usual, with issues related to beginnings and endings. Whether it is about starting or finishing courses, exams, jobs, relationships, holidays or summer school we are having to deal with the triggers to our personal history and how we have been impacted in
Click here for my article on toxic people and friends that can make you feel miserable. The article explains how to identify a toxic person in your life and how to deal with them and provides a short overview of transactional analysis and ‘complementary transactions’.
Sex addiction is a term that typically produces wide ranging views from, on the one hand, some psychiatrists, who argue that there is insufficient evidence for the term to be included in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual on Mental Disorders, to others in the therapeutic community, notably Dr Patrick Carnes and Paula Hall amongst others, who acknowledge