Author name: Noel Bell

I am a psychotherapist practicing online and based in London.

Boost your self-esteem by learning how to cope with toxic people

Toxic behaviour usually emanates from someone with deep wounding from their personal history. The person is not able to take responsibility for their feelings, attitude, their needs and their consequent emotional problems. Their interactions with others, particularly within organisations, is characterised at times by tense and hostile communication. You know you are around a person

Boost your self-esteem by learning how to cope with toxic people Read More »

Can dating apps be a way of avoiding intimacy?

The term ‘half-nighter’ has been recently coined to describe supposed new behaviour that is essentially a one night stand, without staying the night. None of this is new, however, as people have been having casual sex and departing before the sleep bit for donkey years. What might be new is the increased prevalence of ‘half-nighters’ when

Can dating apps be a way of avoiding intimacy? Read More »

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