This week’s lectures continued with the object relations theories and early child birth developmental issues. Specifically we were hearing about the ideas of Donald Woods Winnicott (7 April 1896–28 January 1971) who was an English paediatrician and psychoanalyst. Winnicott was especially influential in the field of object relations theory. He is best known for his ideas on the […]
The experiential nature of the training at CCPE was full of interesting topics such as the seminars on the planes of consciousness. My challenge was was to ascertain what is a meaningful definition of soul for me? That question is essentially a big part of the transpersonal journey. Neuroscientists may typically have a materialistic and
This week’s lecture was on the second part of the ideas of Melanie Klein and Object Relations Theory. In Kleinian therapy the analyst would link your present behaviour to childhood to determine what age you were then. The link to memories and stories is very important. The therapist would seek to offer the client reparative experiences.
Last week’s lecture was on the ideas of Melanie Klein and Object Relations Theory. The ideas of Melanie Klein are not easy and it is difficult to get your head around them. But her ideas provide useful material when seeing clients, especially for experiential learners. By all accounts she was an unpleasant woman, if you believe
Jung’s model of personality typology is most helpful when it is used not as a way to classify oneself or others, but rather in the way he originally thought of it, as a psychological compass. So, in any problematic situation, I can ask myself four questions: 1) What are the facts? (sensation) 2) Have I
Freud has contributed a great deal to our profession but the psychoanalyst tends to have the role of the wise initiate who ‘knows’ and disagreement would be seen usually as a defence or a manifestation of pathology. This is at odds with the transpersonal school, which most certainly does not ‘know’ but finds creativity in