This past weekend I attended the healing with breath and sound three day experiential workshop, a mandatory requirement for my postgraduate diploma in counselling and psychotherapy at the CCPE. This seminar explored the use of breath and sound in order to try and restore harmony in our bodies and our psyches. The weekend covered rhythms of breath, […]
I have just returned from a trip to Dublin and it was good to see the Yeats exhibition in the National Library of Ireland. You can see an online version of the exhibition here. It was interesting to note the influence of alchemy on Yeats through the Golden Dawn. The Golden Dawn was a magical order and
This past weekend we had a two day experiential workshop on the psychology of accomplishment, a mandatory part of the diploma course. However, you do not need to be a student at the CCPE in order to attend a weekend course like this. If you wanted to attend you could come as a member of
Who are we? Where do get our good and bad qualities from? We can often be asked these types of questions in one form or another from prospective employers or from prospective partners. But we often don’t ask ourselves where we have inherited these qualities from. We can inherit qualities from a number of sources.
Anyone who has left the comfort of his or her home has dealt with the stress that comes with travelling. Whether a person is travelling by car, bus, train, or plane, he or she will eventually become frustrated with the many headaches that travelling brings with it. If a person is travelling by car, he
This blog has charted my journey through a transpersonal (integrative) psychotherapy training course at CCPE in London. I am now in year three. So far this year we have had lectures on existential psychotherapy, Jungian Symbolism and the transpersonal theories of Michael Washburn and Ken Wilber. In the first year we had lectures on the planes of
I have often wondered about the long term affects on my health of working in a profession where I am predominantly sitting in a chair. Unlike other jobs I can’t easily get up and walk around my place of work when I am counselling and in listening mode. I have found, therefore, it is critical
For the past two weeks we have had lectures on the transpersonal ideas of Ken Wilber. If that wasn’t sufficiently academic we then had a lecture this week on the concept of regression in the service of transcendence, the work and ideas of Michael Washburn. Michael Washburn produced a seminal work, The Ego and the
Last week we had the first of two lectures on the transpersonal ideas of Ken Wilber, author of the Spectrum of Consciousness. This week we heard all about his integral theories of consciousness. To recap, for Wilber there are three stages of development. 1 Pre personal This is the primitive (unconscious) stage, before we know who we
This week we started the first of two lectures on the transpersonal ideas of Ken Wilber, American author of the Spectrum of Consciousness and an integral theorist. Wilber was not, and is not, a therapist but a theorist and his ideas are often criticised for being hierarchical, masculine focused and representing a ladder like course