Author name: Noel Bell

I am a psychotherapist practicing online and based in London.

Can Attachment Theory form part of an integrative model of psychotherapy

Jonathan Bowlby has been described by Storr as “one of the three or four most important psychiatrists of the twentieth century.” For the purposes of this post, I intend to focus on his work on Attachment Theory. Bowlby was troubled by the dogmatism and cultism of the psychoanalytic world and argued strongly for open scientific […]

Can Attachment Theory form part of an integrative model of psychotherapy Read More »

Working from an integrative theoretical approach in psychotherapy

Integrative psychotherapy should include all states of being, that is what it means to work from a holistic perspective, as well as all major theoretical traditions, this is what it means to be integrative. If human beings exist on at least five levels, namely body, feelings, intellect, soul and spirit, then we have to work

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A transpersonal critique of Rogerian Therapy

Whilst psychodynamic approaches focus on uncovering what is in the client’s unconscious and exploring childhood experiences, the Rogerian approach is more concerned with the here and now of the client’s experience through the client’s eyes, from their subjective internal frame of reference. The Rogerian approach can be termed more democratic, perhaps reflecting the evolutionary progression

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I have a dream

Given the recent 50th anniversary of Martin Luther King’s “I Have A Dream” speech I began to wonder whether we all should have a dream. That made me think about what my dream is. Do I have a personal dream to realise my own potential or am I dreaming of a better future for wider

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Does it pay to be selfish?

I read an interesting piece of research looking at whether it pays to be selfish or unselfish. The Adami Lab at Michigan State University have used evolutionary game theory (EGT) as a simplified model system to study the viability and stability of behaviour on evolutionary scales. The research project used high-powered computing to run hundreds

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Can CBM and therapist-free therapy form part of an integrative approach to counselling and psychotherapy?

The term integrative psychotherapist can be loosely banded around these days and can often engender confusion for potential clients when seeking counselling and psychotherapy. Each school of counselling and psychotherapy can be quite precious about their particular approach. Psychoanalysis can be seen as purist as can Rogerian therapy in that they both offer a comprehensive approach

Can CBM and therapist-free therapy form part of an integrative approach to counselling and psychotherapy? Read More »

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