
Boost your self-esteem by transforming legacy behaviours

Having low self-esteem can be a common presenting issue that motivates people to seek therapy. Self-esteem is how we value and perceive ourselves. However, in popular self-help literature self-esteem is often viewed as synonymous with self-confidence. I like to think of the distinction between self-esteem and self-confidence as this: you may have the confidence to […]

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Boost your levels of serotonin and avoid energy zappers

There are many types of people but for relational purposes there are two main types which might be termed as either ‘energy zappers’ or ‘energy enhancers’. Energy zappers are people who don’t listen when in conversation. The exchange is usually one way. They will drone on about their own viewpoint, their own opinions or their own

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Boost your self-esteem by learning how to cope with toxic people

Toxic behaviour usually emanates from someone with deep wounding from their personal history. The person is not able to take responsibility for their feelings, attitude, their needs and their consequent emotional problems. Their interactions with others, particularly within organisations, is characterised at times by tense and hostile communication. You know you are around a person

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Assertiveness and boosting self-esteem and self-confidence

The difference between effective levels of assertiveness and aggression is when there is an absence of respect for other people. Aggressive behaviour is when there is no respect for others. However, you can be assertive whilst at the same time respecting the sensitivities of others. That essentially is what it means to have healthy boundaries.

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